The Alliance to End Plastic Waste and companies including P & G , Henkel , & PepsiCo , are developing digital watermarking to revolutionise plastic recycling
Despite being invented only a little over a century ago , plastic is everywhere . Since the development of Bakelite by Leo Baekeland in 1907 , materials such as perspex , polyethylene , nylon , teflon and more can be found in electronics , textiles and homeware , as well as healthcare , construction and other crucial industries .
Despite the many benefits of the materials , plastic pollution is a global issue . The equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world ’ s oceans , rivers , and lakes every day , reports the United Nations Environment Programme . This equates to 360 million tonnes of plastic waste generated annually – 50 % from packaging , and 30 % from construction , industry , and agriculture plastic waste .
The Alliance to End Plastic Waste Global non-profit organisation the Alliance to End Plastic Waste is working to support the transition towards a plastic circular economy . The Alliance funds and supports projects across the entire plastic value chain – from the design stage to endof-life waste management and recycling solutions – in its efforts to end plastic waste leakage into the environment .
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