Sustainability Magazine April 2024 | Page 22

targets . Their response to this challenge , and to our offer of mentoring and other support , has been positive and we feel confident that this roadmap will deliver ever more impactful reductions in emissions .
Many of our suppliers have already told us they are cascading this message through their own supply chain , which over time has the potential to create a significant ripple effect .

ยป One of the most important steps for companies to effectively tackle decarbonisation is , first and foremost , understanding their impact and where their GHG emissions are coming from and defining what activities to include within their boundary . GHG emissions are classified into three different scopes , so it identifies direct and indirect emissions through transparent and accurate measuring . Companies should look to include 100 % of Scope 1 , 2 and 3 GHG emissions in their boundary where possible .

Once companies have a robust understanding of their GHG baseline , the next priority is to reduce absolute GHG emissions and set ambitious reduction targets . Select near-term and or longterm science-based targets and get them validated by the SBTi to ensure they are aligned with the latest climate science .
After setting the ambition and level of decarbonisation required , the next step is to build a transition plan of emission
reduction initiatives . Sodexo invested in the development of a global carbon trajectory tool to better understand what key action levers we need to pull , in what timeframe , for our region to reach net zero by 2040 . This reinforces our impactful and transparent approach to achieve our goals .
Achieving net zero is complex and cannot be achieved in isolation ; collaboration is key . Companies will need to work with peers , suppliers , clients , policy makers and others to innovate and drive change . For example , as a business we have launched our net zero supply chain engagement strategy and Community of Practice to work collaboratively with our suppliers and clients .
22 April 2024