Sustainability Magazine April 2024 | Page 28


Refresh the World . Make a Difference : The Coca-Cola Company

Under her visionary leadership , Cola- Cola has established women ’ s economic programmes in more than 100 countries as part of its 5by20 initiative to enable the economic empowerment of six million women entrepreneurs by 2020 .
“ It was ambitious , it was aspirational – but we did it and so much more ,” says Perez of the initiative .
Taking charge of Coca-Cola ’ s communications function in 2017 , as Senior Vice President & Chief Communications , Sustainability & Strategic Partnerships Officer , Perez now leads an integrated team to support the company ’ s new growth model and path to become a total beverage company .
Over the last seven years , she has not only delivered global leadership in
ESG , overseeing the strategy , driving scaled investments and managing global NGO partnerships and key sustainability projects , but also in communications , including digital media strategy for company-owned channels , global brand PR and financial communications .
“ I align a diverse portfolio of work against The Coca-Cola Company ’ s business objectives to support brands , communities , consumers and partners worldwide ,” Perez says of her role .
As Chair of The Coca-Cola Foundation , the company ’ s philanthropic arm , Perez is a leading advocate of community service , driving contributions of US $ 94.8m to 301 organisations globally in 2022 .
28 April 2024