material information and even the company ’ s impact , but may need more agency to act .
“ The new corporate sustainability due diligence directive in the EU is getting companies to adopt transition plans aligned with the Paris Agreement and deal with human impact , but regulations will likely never force companies to deal with their most material ESG matters ,” he says .
“ Yet , every company has unique intersections with this topic , and the role of the ESG Controller could surface those connections to the management team and business units via high-quality data and robust analysis .
“ Whether those management teams will listen , fund , and act remains to be seen .”
It ’ s one thing listening to an ESG Controller , but finding that talent in the first place could be a challenge , says Sage ’ s Moscolin .
“ The talent market is not mature enough ; it is easy to find financial controllers and you can find some really good Sustainability reporting experts if you look hard enough , but finding individuals that are equally competent in both is simply a skill set that doesn ’ t yet exist and will take years to develop ,” says Moscolin .
“ It is critical that we continue strengthening the collaboration between sustainability reporting , finance and data teams .”
The need for robust ESG reporting is right here , right now . Is your organisation ready ? sustainabilitymag . com 91