Hitting global net zero is going to take so much more than summits and pledges .
It is going to take money – lots and lots of money .
Money to retrofit homes , to finance climate tech , to pay for sustainable energy projects and so much more on .
If you expect our political leaders to find enough cash to do all of this , think again . A stagnant global economy and the fleeting nature of power mean green investment cannot match need . Instead , we may find the answer in our financial institutions . There is a growing movement among the world ’ s biggest financial organisations to direct investments towards green projects .
‘ Climate finance ’ has moved beyond a concept and become a real thing for discussion in boardrooms and clubs .
In fact , it is the “ critical catalyst ” for a global economic reset , helping the globe to fund sustainability and net zero , a conference heard .
US $ 4tn
The value of green bonds rose from US $ 1.5bn in 2008 to US $ 4tn in 2023
Ashley Lester , Chief Research Officer , MSCI
70 August 2024