Sustainability Magazine August 2024 | Page 78



David said he believes green bonds can play a key role in driving the green transition in emerging markets .
The value of climate bonds has grown from US $ 1.5bn 15 years ago to US $ 4tn today .
They are attractive to investors , including pension funds , because they are uncomplicated – and make a difference .
Important to unlock the capital Rhian-Mari Thomas , CEO , Green Finance Institute , speaking in a fireside chat at the conference with Ashley , was keen to emphasise that climate finance is in everyone ’ s interests – and that all barriers must be removed in order to release the capital .
She said : “ How do we use finance as a facilitator ? It will take US $ 4-6tn to profoundly reset the global economy . “ It ’ s the biggest redeployment of capital we ’ ve ever seen .”
She added : “ We need to make sure that opportunities to make capital are as attractive in the green sector as in the traditional sector .
“ It is in our enlightened self-interest . If we are not recognising that , we are storing up huge problems . Not acting will cost us an awful lot more than acting .
“ We have to find a way to get over the blockages and unlock the capital .”
Rhian-Mari said there is a role for “ forceful stewardship ”, with tangible
78 August 2024