Later , he built a 25ft cyclone vacuum inspired by a local timber mill , which never clogged and would minimise the wasted materials of his making . It wasn ’ t long before James recognised a further application for his design , marking a pivotal moment in the history of household appliances . He condensed his technology down into the first Dyson home vacuum cleaner , bringing industrial-scale innovation into a more compact form for all to use . This was a real turning point for his career . It was the product that inspired James to create the Dyson brand featured in stores today , and spurred him to deliver streamlined electronics and silent , powerful airflow fans and hairdryers , to name a few of Dyson ’ s most significant products .
Since then , James has not faltered in his passion for innovation . Committed to strategic trial and error , the Dyson brand continued to roll out further groundbreaking inventions , each more efficient than the last , and some in a completely new category – like the 2020 Dyson battery-electric vehicle ( BEV ).
The car was inspired , like many new EVs , by the reality that car fumes are bad for people ’ s health . Dyson was exposed to studies that assessed the impacts of diesel fumes on mice and rats , which translates into humans .
As one might expect from the design aficionado , and his team , the EV was built from scratch , meaning parts were not acquired from other manufacturers .
“ I ’ ve always been horrified , even as a child , by the cloud of black smoke that would emerge from the back of vehicles ,” James says in an article by Dyson . “ We put together an exceptional team , built world-class facilities , and developed a radical car which was loaded with technology .”
As a naturally inquisitive person , James has never failed to see the bigger picture . He ’ s a problem-solver , risk-taker , and confident that the foundations of his knowledge built an organisation that will continue to drive change across the globe – to develop world-class electronics that improve the lives of many .
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