Sustainability Magazine January 2023 | Page 39


Procurement Progression at Heathrow Airport in a City of Services

“ We talk about a frictionless passenger journey , and it ' s just like a good doctor in the NHS : when you need us , we ' re there ”

PAUL DOHERTY PROCUREMENT DIRECTOR , HEATHROW about Heathrow as a piece of national infrastructure is that we run at a capacity that no other airport , globally , runs at . We run at 98 % across our two runways , we have more air traffic movements during the day , we move and turn aircraft around quickly . We have operating procedures for if we have a busy day , we have an operating procedure for if something goes wrong during a day – we have an operating procedure for most things . Yet this isn ' t operating procedure , this is managing demand in a different way .”
Strategic partners and pillars to posts With demand fluctuating rapidly during the most acute months of the pandemic – followed by a gradual return to more familiar capacity levels – there has been pressure to scale engagement with suppliers and service providers around the Heathrow
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