Makarochkina attests , as does the company she represents , that regulation and ethical implementation is a vital consideration when it comes to AI . And , with its widespread influence and adoption growing at unprecedented speeds , the combination of AI with other emerging technologies is where Makarochkina envisions the upward trajectory of AI catapulting to .
“ There are no sectors which will remain untouched by AI ,” she says . When incorporated with the likes of 5G , for example , AI can guide and ensure the correct allocation of resources – whether that be detecting anomalies or managing traffic . When combined , AI and 5G – along with edge computing and IoT – can spearhead autonomous cities too . It is one of the main factors behind the success of smart cities .
“ If you look at Shanghai for example , you see lots of AI already in play ,” adds Makarochkina .
“ For example , there is widespread use of face recognition , so much so , that people are not even using their credit cards to make payments in shops anymore . So , when you shop , you take your items to the till and your shopping is automatically billed to your account .”
Despite some applications of AI and its respective emerging technologies feeling like they are still a considerable way off into the future , the technologies needed to bring them into the here and now are in touching distance . And , as both Makarochkina and Schneider Electric are keen to emphasise , to prepare for what ’ s coming , work is needed today . sustainabilitymag . com 55