Sustainability Magazine July 2022 | Page 18

panels , thereby creating energy pockets . Variable-sized aerofoils increase the surface area for capturing kinetic energy , which can then be converted into renewable electricity .
Their smaller size makes them easier to construct and install while maintaining a substantial surface area within the working space and also allows them to be retrofitted to existing buildings and structures – even in urban and residential settings .
This is a significant advantage , as conventional wind turbines are limited by space and location ; these panels are considerably more adaptable and flexible .
" When you deal with very low-quality energy , which holds to more than 50 % of all the available energy , it isn ' t right ," Madlani said . " Don ' t try to convert it all together in probably one single shop . Have all the energy captured and converted into those you must transfer in small pockets ."
The size of the panels and configuration of the aerofoils allow them to capture wind of all speeds and frequencies , including ground winds that turbines cannot access . Adding additional foils can also provide a larger surface area for wind capture than turbines , which concentrate energy on a single focal point , the alternator .
Due to their modular design and rapid deployment , the panels are simple to implement at any scale , with a low initial cost and smaller size . In addition , they require little maintenance , which increases their overall service life and provides an additional advantage over turbines .
Eco-friendly yet profitable technology Technologies like Katrick ' s wind panels offer different ways to make energy . They also give businesses and individuals the chance to make money by making energy off the grid , like microgeneration sites .
Microgeneration allows businesses to make and store their own energy , preventing reliance on the grid and avoiding the associated environmental problems , which would be impossible for the average business owner to do with traditional wind turbines . In real life , these microgeneration sites could
18 July 2022