Sudeep Singh Our Alliance network is our solution ecosystem – whether they are software vendors or other service providers . In the ERP and platform space , SAP , Oracle , Salesforce , ServiceNow , and Anaplan are some of the platforms that are well known . We are working with them to synthesise the challenges related to Sustainability , and together , building solutions and use cases to address them .
We have a strong belief that we are operationalising and industrialising the business capabilities for companies to take action on their sustainable development goals . Without the right ecosystem partners and their innovative solutions , the value proposition of technology-enabled transformation starts to diminish rapidly . You need to have the know-how , the assets , the partnerships , and aligned objectives as partners to make this happen , efficiently , measurably , and with the human changemanagement perspective , all together .
We also partner with all the hyperscalers – AWS , Google and Microsoft as leading partners – to deliver scale and infrastructure . Last but not least are the growing capabilities of ESG companies . There is a wide range – many of them provide brilliant new point solutions to solve specific issues for a particular industry , and the marketplace is very dynamic .
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