Sustainability Magazine March 2024 | Page 32

There are few roles that would top serving your country , but when Google came knocking in 2015 , the draw of the tech giant – plus a return to California – proved too much to resist . On her first day in the job , Google signed the American Business Act on Climate Pledge .
In some ways , Brandt ’ s job became even bigger , with Google ’ s sustainability demands akin to those of a country .
In 2022 , Google ’ s energy consumption reached 22.29 terawatt hours – up 75 % compared to 2019 . Putting that into context , if Google were a country , it would use more energy than Croatia , twice as much as Costa Rica , and 11 times the Bahamas .
The good news is , for six consecutive years under Brandt ’ s watch , Google has sourced 100 % of its energy from renewables .
Google also uses 25 billion litres of water to cool its data centres , the equivalent of 10,000 Olympicsized swimming pools , or enough water for 625,000 people .
In her role as Google ’ s Chief Sustainability Officer , Brandt leads Google ’ s worldwide operations , products and supply chains to drive the company ’ s sustainability goals .
It ’ s a mammoth task , given Google ’ s scale and influence with 190,000 + employees , and offices and data centres in more than 200 cities on six continents – but if anyone can rise to the challenge , it ’ s Brandt .
She has a track record of superlative achievements and accolades , including
32 March 2024