Sustainability Magazine May 2023 | Page 62

by scaling to other use cases . Such as “ Key focus themes of Climate-first but not Climate-Only , with for example the 30 / 30 agreement from COP15 etc . Or , indeed if you wanted to do something that ’ s completely nuanced , such as naturebased solutions such as engineered reefs , we would support organisations from an IBM garage co-creation all the way through to the solution that you can then assetize that and actually sell that as a service , as well as having it recognized on your balance sheet – a true sustainable transition ”
Sustainability and timelines With such strict goals regarding timelines and creating more sustainable financial systems globally , the work is challenging . Thompson explains that the ideal transition into sustainable finance needs more progress and catalysts . In recent times various geopolitical factors and energy crises as well as certain corporations ’ unwillingness to genuinely embrace the ESG agenda has slowed the ESG momentum . He speaks about the green asset ratio ( GAR ) and what that currently means in relation to assets being categorised as “ green ” by the EU taxonomy for Europe .
For GAR “ Right now , organisations might find that they ’ re in single digits in terms of percentage points , which will be quite normal as we ’ re both on a transition journey , and there is diverging scope and value between the various financial institutions structures . But that said , what would ‘ Good ’ look like ? Well , for most organisations , by 2025 to 2030 , ‘ Good ’ needs to look like most organisations starting to be at the minimum 50 % mark and above , to show true transitional improvements .”
Despite the challenging outlook for many companies to reach their needed
62 May 2023