Sustainability Magazine May 2024 | Page 104

Gerardo Aguilar gives a first-hand insight into Syngenta Group ’ s evolution of indirect procurement and the initiatives behind it
Gerardo Aguilar gives a first-hand insight into Syngenta Group ’ s evolution of indirect procurement and the initiatives behind it

How to provide enough nutritious food to feed the planet ’ s burgeoning population is one of today ’ s greatest dilemmas . How to go on doing it , day after day , year after year , decade on decade , without sucking the nutrients out of the soil and turning Earth into a desert , adds another layer of urgency to this very real game of life .

It is a double-headed challenge that Syngenta Group , a leading science-based agtech company based in Basel , Switzerland , tackles daily .
It is also a challenge the Indirect Procurement Function wants to support Syngenta Group to overcome . Step forward , Gerardo Aguilar . Gerardo , who hails from Mexico , has a background in engineering and postgraduate studies in marketing and business administration . Gerardo is Syngenta ’ s Global Head of Indirect Procurement .
Having moved to procurement more than 20 years ago , Gerardo has a wealth of experience , having lived and worked in Mexico , UK , The Netherlands and now Switzerland .
“ My career has taken me to different countries , working with multinational companies including EY , Philips International and Novartis leading to interactions with people all around the world with different backgrounds , different styles , different practices ,” he says . “ This life journey has taught me how to adapt to different cultures & contexts . It helps me to easily engage with my stakeholders and my team . Staying connected is key for us since we are located in different countries facing different challenges and different perceptions .”
Gerardo adds : “ At the end of the day , our success as a function is due to the commitment and hard work of all Indirect Procurement team members around the world .”


Gerardo Aguilar is a seasoned procurement leader with extensive experience in global procurement , strategic sourcing , and cost optimisation . With a background in engineering and post-graduate studies in business administration , he has held key leadership positions in renowned multinational companies such as Syngenta Group , Novartis , Philips and EY , working across various countries including Mexico , United Kingdom , The Netherlands and Switzerland . As the Global Head of Indirect Procurement at Syngenta Group , he is leading a team of 200 + professionals and managed global stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of global and local productivity strategies .
104 May 2024