Sustainability Magazine May 2024 | Page 123


When it comes to whether organisations can use carbon offsetting to hit their Scope 3 targets , it seems the standards body ’ s indecision is final .

It has been a veritable hokey-cokey , with the Science Based Targets initiative apparently declaring carbon offsetting “ in ”, then “ out ”, then “ in ” - maybe .
One thing is certain – SBTi has shaken the net zero sector all about .
In an apparent attempt to calm the storm , SBTi CEO Luiz Amaral wrote a blog , saying : “ I acknowledge and deeply regret the concern and distress this situation has caused and want to reassure my SBTi colleagues and stakeholders that the SBTi ’ s dedication to science-based decarbonisation , public consultation and standard-setting governance is unwavering . The SBTi standards have not changed .”
That , hopefully , soothed the fears of those who are fundamentally opposed to the use of carbon offsetting – including the New Climate Institute .
It previously said “... companies would get a carte blanche to continue businessas-usual for another decade and take no responsibility for reducing the large majority of their emissions ”.
Perhaps Luiz should have left the blog there . But he put his left foot in and out again .
He wrote : “ I refuse to avoid a difficult discussion if it could potentially improve our standards to deliver a bigger impact . This deliberation is underway and advancing .
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