Sustainability Magazine May 2024 | Page 95

IEEE senior member and Professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Queen ’ s University Belfast .
“ It is essential that leaders improve their data management policies , identifying which data is in fact valuable and eliminating any dark or redundant data from their data centres to avoid emissions spiralling out of control and avoid unnecessary digital waste .
“ Leaders should also enquire about their data centre provider ’ s multisite footprint and its ability to enable distributed network availability and dynamic load placement .
“ Identifying workloads that can be transferred from peak demand periods to off-peak hours ultimately results in lower costs for all parties .”
This is where the opportunities presented by AI come in .
AI as a tool for sustainability While it is true that technology can be incredibly energy-intensive , be it through data , or lack of sustainable considerations when developing and onboarding , technology also presents great opportunities . Many companies are exploring AI for its potential to
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