sophisticated ,” he adds . “ They ’ re much more aware of issues around wellness and they understand the labels on the foods they buy . Today organics are intertwined with people ’ s perceptions of not just their wellbeing but also their perceptions of land stewardship and to a certain extent to their ethics . That ’ s really been a game changer for us . This demand for organics has been driven by the consumer .”
On top of this , Gusto has also positioned itself as a Fairtrade company , with oversight from the British Retail Consortium , the Soil Association as well as the Fairtrade Foundation , Gusto Organic . This may involve extra care , but for Gusto Organic , it ’ s not questioned : Fairtrade is now hardwired into the company culture . Whilst he is proud of this certification , Fugard is keen to point out that this shouldn ’ t be an anomaly in the sector , it should be the norm .
“ There are so many brands in the market who often practice virtual signaling , whereby they make a big deal about their ethical footprint .” reflects Fugard . “ It sits a little uncomfortably with me because I think in reality we should all be looking through a Fairtrade lens .” Although it may prove challenging , this oversight ensures that when Gusto Organics sweetens its products , for instance , it uses
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