Sustainability Magazine September 2019 | Page 55

that is knowledgeable of and willing to accept the inherent risks . The timeline for these digital transformation projects , Miller explains , has also radically changed . “ It leads to uncomfortable answers to questions that previously seemed very straightforward ,” he admits . “ For example : the simplest question an executive can ask is ‘ how much is this going to cost and how long is it going to take ?’” he chuckles . “ When you have a finite object , you can ask these questions . In this brave new world , the honest answer to these questions is ,
‘ well , if it is successful , then it will take an infinite amount of time and an endless amount of money ’.” The modern IT solution is sold , not once , but continually with its upkeep and ongoing development sold as a service . This is the new world that Miller sees as filled with opportunity .
Going forward , Miller intends to continue building and developing a company to which he feels “ a sort of parental attachment ”. Exhibiting between 20-30 % growth each year , DataArt is continuing to penetrate further into the US and European markets . “ In any professional services business , your reputation in the marketplace and the trust you have with specific individuals , is pretty much the only current that you have ,” he says . In addition to building up the currency of reputable trust , Miller and his teams will continue to “ preach the gospel of digital transformation ,” as well as focusing on the company ’ s internal and ongoing journey .
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