Teys Australia is ensuring the journey of meat from farm to fork considers environmental impact , promotes animal welfare and facilitates both high yields and superior quality
T he Teys story began more than 70 years ago when four brothers opened their first butcher shop in Brisbane ’ s Woolloongabba . Teys Australia is now an innovative Australian food business with home grown pride and global reach . Drawing on over seven decades of experience in the beef industry , its 4,700-string team focus their energy and expertise on delivering value to communities , customers and consumers .
Contributing more than $ 3.5bn to Australia ’ s national GDP , Teys support a further 13,000 jobs in rural and regional Australia . “ Our business extends from the paddock to the plate ,” confirms Carl Duncan , Group Manager - Resource Efficiency . “ We have a contemporary suite of innovative brands and products that resonate with global consumers , leveraging Australia ’ s reputation as a clean , green food producer . We ’ re a dynamic company with a global reach and teams in the US and key Asian markets to connect Australian producers with consumers .”