Sustainability Magazine Septemeber 2024 | Page 132

approach ,” Mark says . “ So , when it comes to diagnosing a problem , solving a problem , investigating , deploying , managing change , all those aspects are done as a team . And when it comes to our cross-functional teams , IT is connected to every single one of them every time , all the time .”
As the world grapples with the twin challenges of ageing infrastructure and climate change , companies like ACCIONA , that deliver sustainable solutions at scale will be increasingly in demand . By combining engineering expertise with digital innovation , ACCIONA is not just building infrastructure – it ’ s helping shape a more sustainable future .
And looking ahead , Mark is optimistic about ACCIONA ’ s prospects . “ If I was to summarise our future , it ’ s nothing other than exciting . It ’ s backed by solid demand and growth and a roadmap into the renewables and sustainable construction space .
“ The demand internally from the business just continues to grow . And the more we deliver , the more demand we get . This evolving cycle of trying to refine the experience of the team to focus on a smaller set of priorities and de-prioritise initiatives is one the biggest challenges , and that ’ s a good problem to have .”

“The convergence of BIM data with the rest of our business data hasn ’ t even really started to happen yet . When that happens , all sorts of cool things are going to start happening , and that ’ ll be the source or the root of automated construction ”