Every step forward taken by the human race was powered by creative , inventive minds . All that we take for granted today was once non-existent and then new – thought and fashioned into life by an inventor .
So , when we are overwhelmed by the environmental and social challenges of today and tomorrow , there is comfort in knowing that somebody is working on a solution .
With 40 % of global carbon emissions coming from the built environment , there are few places where solutions are as urgently required as in our cities .
So what are the world ’ s inventive minds working on to make cities smart and sustainable ?
TER sustainabilitymag
From the lab to our homes and streets Anthony Vetro is a man who is driven by the desire to see ideas become solutions .
Anthony is a one-company man , having worked at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ( MERL ) for 28 years .
As its President and CEO , he oversees and empowers the extraordinary work being done in the company ’ s labs .
MERL ’ s parent company is the global giant Mitsubishi , with its experts designing tech and solutions for the Japanese-headquartered firm to implement .
One of his chief passions is sustainable cities and he is excited about how MERL and Mitsubishi can contribute .
Anthony says : “ In the lab we work on a broad range of technologies , so I ’ ve been able to get involved in many things .
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