Sustainability Magazine Septemeber 2024 | Page 33




Creating a roadmap to net zero emissions is a rewarding and sometimes complicated process . As a business , WSH has learned three key lessons that could benefit other businesses embarking on a similar journey :
• It is essential to involve all stakeholders early in the process and ensure their continued involvement . Fostering a sense of ownership and commitment towards the sustainability goals from the outset is crucial .
• Set ambitious long-term targets broken down into achievable near-term targets . The environmental agenda is fast evolving , and while we are still determining how we will deliver net zero , we know we can ’ t afford to wait . You will rightly become accountable for these targets in the future , so to ensure credibility and effectiveness , they should align with third-party scientific standards , such as SBTi .
• Data-driven insights are golden . Regular tracking of progress and adapting strategies based on these insights ensures that your approach remains effective and responsive to changing circumstances .
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