Sustainability Magazine Top 100 Companies 2023 | Page 10




Founded in 1926
CEO : Alex Liu
htps :/ w kearney com . / www htps company kearney :/ linkedin . /


Intesa Sanpaolo

Founded in 2007
CEO : Carlo Messina
group htps :/ intesasanpaolo . com . / www htps company intesa-sanpaolo :/ linkedin . /
Italy ’ s largest banking group , Intesa Sanpaolo , has a strategic international presence , with over 950 branches and 7.1mn customers , comprising subsidiaries operating in commercial banking in 12 countries in Europe , the Middle East and North Africa . The Group offers its services to 13.6mn customers through a network of approximately 3,500 branches .
Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm with more than 5,300 people working in more than 40 countries . The business works with more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500 , as well as with the most influential governmental and nonprofit organisations .
Kearney is a partner-owned firm with a distinctive , collegial culture that transcends organisational and geographic boundaries . Regardless of location or rank , its consultants are down to earth , approachable , and have a shared passion for doing innovative client work that provides clear benefits to the organisations we work with in both the short and long term .
The firm was founded in 1926 , and is headquartered in Chicago , Illinois , US .
Business Consulting and Services United States
Its distinctive business model makes it a European leader in wealth management , protection and advisory and ensures its strong focus on digital .
Its commitment to ESG foresees , by 2025 , € 115bn ( US $ 125 ) of impact financing and contributions of € 500mn ( US $ 546 ) to support people in need .
Gallerie d ' Italia , is the exhibition venue for the bank ' s artistic heritage and artistic projects of recognised value .
Banking Italy
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