Sustainability Magazine Top 100 Companies 2023 | Page 47




Founded in 1900
CEO : Joe Ucuzoglu htps www :/ com deloite . www htps company :/ linkedin . / deloite



Founded in 2003
CEO : Elon Musk htps www :/ com . tesla . / www htps company :/ linkedin . / tesla-motors
On a mission to accelerate the world ’ s transition to sustainable energy , Tesla is building a world powered by solar energy , running on batteries and transported by electric vehicles .
With global temperatures rising , the faster society frees itself from fossil fuel reliance and achieves a zero-emission future , the better . In pursuit of this mission , Tesla produces and instals infinitely scalable clean energy generation and storage products that help its customers further decrease their environmental impact .
For over 20 years , Deloitte has helped organisations make progress toward delivering sustainable value for their stakeholders – from investors , customers and business partners , to regulators , governments , and communities . Deloitte serves organisations as they redefine their strategies , embed sustainability into their operations , meet disclosure and regulatory requirements and help them accelerate the transformation of their organisations .
Through innovative approaches , digital solutions and lessons learned from its own journey , Deloitte works with organisations to embed sustainability into operations . Deloitte invests in outstanding people of diverse talents and backgrounds to empower them to achieve more than they could elsewhere .
Business Consulting and Services United Kingdom
When it comes to achieving its goals , Tesla prides itself on accomplishing what others deem impossible . That ’ s why they are opening new factories and increasing output every day , to build a sustainable future .
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing United States