Sustainability Magazine Top 100 Companies 2023 | Page 49




Founded in 1976
CEO : Tim Cook www htps :/ aple com . www htps company :/ linkedin . / aple
As one of the world ’ s most notable companies , Apple is committed to becoming more sustainable , by pledging carbon neutrality by 2030 . Likewise , every Apple product will be made with clean energy and even more recycled and renewable materials .
Apple believes that using recycled materials is one of the ways it can lower the business ' carbon impact of its products , since these materials often have a lower carbon footprint than materials from primary sources . That ’ s why Apple is sourcing more recycled content than ever , which brings the business closer to its goal of one day making products with only recycled and renewable materials .
Computers and Electronics Manufacturing United States



Founded in 1982
CEO : Andrew Anagnost
htps :/ w autodesk com . . www htps company autodesk :/ linkedin . /
Autodesk is changing how the world is designed and made . Its technology spans architecture , engineering , construction , product design , manufacturing , media , and entertainment , empowering innovators everywhere to solve challenges big and small . From greener buildings to smarter products to more mesmerising blockbusters , Autodesk software helps its customers to design and make a better world for all .
At Autodesk , sustainability is about creating technology that improves energy and material productivity . It ’ s about supporting innovators through grants , software donations and training . And it ’ s about leading by example in its own operations , advancing sustainability business practices and supporting every employee to make a positive impact .
Software Development United States