CASE as a construct in e-mobility or Smart Mobility refers to all of the capabilities that are currently used to bring cars and other transport solutions into the digital ecosystem . Breaking down each one helps to gain a comprehensive view of the overall applications of technology within EVs :
Connected : Also referring to ‘ connectivity ’, this involves any technology that enables bi-directional communication between devices or systems , including the vehicle itself .
Autonomous : Refers to the technology that allows a vehicle to be operated at various levels of independence from a human driver .
Shared : As ridesharing services become more prominent , this refers to the technology and ecosystem used to enable EVs and ICVs to be shared and driven as a service , as opposed to a product for a single user .
Electric : This refers to everything EV-related , including battery technology , the sustainable business model , and cost-efficiency gains . services like Twitter to air their grievances , as opposed to their service providers directly . Automotive firms are able to leverage this knowledge to tailor their products and services to match the trends among consumers and take a similar approach to businesses by marketing their products and services online .
This puts CASE beyond the automotive industry and demonstrates how the digital ecosystem pulls industries together to integrate their services for a more farreaching and intuitive customer experience .
“ CASE automotive , as a construct , is very congruent with the ‘ social customer ’ archetype . For starters , we see a common narrative whereby the vehicle is an extended living space , offering customers in-vehicle commerce , retail recommendations , in-vehicle delivery and so on ,” says Parthasarathy .
“ While some parts of this might look surprising , given that automotive original equipment manufacturers ( OEMs ) have never been in the business of selling coffee or sandwiches , it fits well with a customer who prefers to have connected services . Similarly , the sustainability narratives that are accelerating the adoption of EVs and safer autonomy are fuelled by a more informed and aware customer , seeking to reduce their carbon footprint .”
The focus has turned towards customer experience and how they interact with their car or any mobility-as-a-service asset . Digital transformation done right means automotive firms implement CASE to tailor or personalise their product and services to
114 February 2023