TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES every consumer . A great example of tailoring is through driver profile and key recognition . Particularly in mid- to high-range cars , the car is able to set the driving position configuration and conditions based on the key that is used .
“ As organisations realise the importance of seeing every customer as unique , automotive OEMs have begun their foray into areas outside of their core business model ,” says Parthasarathy .
“ For example , they provide parking , charging , and toll payment services . Almost all the major personal mobility OEMs have also partnered with retail service providers or aggregators to provide connected vehicle commerce offerings , so that they are present across a whole new spectrum of services .”
“ They are making sizeable investments into improving the mobility experience through feature upgrades of the vehicle made over-the-air ( OTA ), and on demand .”
While it is great to celebrate how organisations are meeting the needs of their customers , electrification continues to present more capabilities for businesses and , more importantly , the planet . Therefore , they must always remain one step ahead of the trends , in order to remain relevant in a fastchanging industry .
“ I believe the cardinal rule for customer engagement is to prioritise their imperatives ,” says Parthasarathy .
“ This might imply that OEMs have to pre-empt shifts in mobility consumption patterns , to continue to be the service provider of choice for customers ’ mobility needs . OEMs cannot afford to be absent in this ecosystem that not only offers tremendous scope for revenue , but also enables a richer and more hightouch engagement opportunity with existing and prospective customers .”
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