Sustainability Magazine January 2023 | Page 70

Identifying the need , meeting the demand It ’ s all about need and demand , but unless you are close to the operations , it ’ s difficult to decipher . “ That ' s why when I ' m travelling , every time I am trying to stay in different hotels ,” says Lacz , adding that members of the IT team are also visiting various hotels and seeing for themselves if the tools they have deployed really work in action .
“ The solution we are putting in place needs to be a solution in which hotel teams who have never had any hospitality experience will be able to deliver the basics of hotel operations within a few hours of self-learning .
" The same applies to our F & B service – this has already been digitalised and we are rolling this digitalisation out across the portfolio . Guests can now choose , order and pay for
their food and drink from their mobile phone . The technology also comes with different language options making life easier for international staff and guests ."
Robotics to assist staff At the back end of 2021 , AccorInvest realised there were a set of the different processes in the hotel that were still being carried out manually by staff members . “ Some were painful , for example , the night audit . As you can imagine , consolidating all of the data and closing down the day in all the systems
70 January 2023