phones in the rooms because this is part of the services that need to be delivered for the proper categorisation . However , in some other countries , like the UK , this is not a requirement . But even in those countries , for people who are less used to technology and need to call for emergency , we implement a specific type of the solution , which can be used for other hotel services too .”
New partnerships AccorInvest Group ( AIG ) works hard to create interactive guest experiences . With help from Oracle and its professional services partner IBM , they can transition to integrated cloud services .
Oracle has a critical role in AIG ’ s digital transformation , providing its Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management ( HCM )— leveraging its benefits for human resources ( HR )— and Oracle Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ), which also provide advantages in financial planning .
Having successfully bid on the joint project with IBM two years ago , Oracle supports AIG from a cloud migration perspective , enabling the second stage of transformation involving HR and Finance operations at AIG .
“ I am excited by the power of the Oracle and IBM partnership ,” says Robert Churchyard , who leads the Oracle practice inside IBM Consulting . “ Together we are delivering enterprise-wide business transformation through the deployment of Oracle ERP & HCM Cloud .” The conversation moves on to future partnerships , with Lacz telling me that in addition to consolidating suppliers and collaborating with different suppliers , by the time people read this article , thanks to creating homogeneous environment between new Oracle Fusion ERP and Oracle Hospitality , Accorinvest will improve operational performance leveraging smoother processes execution and data extraction which offer “ flawless operations ” from the lobby to the back office . “ I believe the digitisation of the company is core to it taking care of its people ,” says Lacz , adding that ecosystem that is built on Oracle product will connect distribution , guest rooms management , Point of Sales ( POS ), finance and HR , delivering the integrations AccorInvest requires to offer a seamless experience for staff and very satisfied guests . This would give AccorInvest a market competitive advantage having all the data in one place and accelerate any decision taking process increasing company agility in the fast moving environment . “ The companies that are flexible will survive ,” he says adding , " we are creating this opportunity , this agility , for the future and this includes our innovation initiatives making sure we can customise and integrate solutions to meet our needs now and in the future .”
72 January 2023