Sustainability Magazine July 2024 | Page 24

firsthand the evolution of this topic from a niche concern to a top priority for CEOs and boardrooms around the world .
“ It became a topic that the CEOs cared about and all of a sudden , it became a top 10 issue . It has become a boardroom conversation to say , ‘ what ’ s our responsibility ? How can we help ? What can we do differently ?’ And that is just such a game-changer ,” Blood reflects .
At AWS , Blood recognises the immense potential of cloud technology to drive sustainability initiatives at a global scale . Through AWS ’ s cloud services , Blood and his team are empowering businesses worldwide to accelerate their sustainability progress by leveraging the power of technology to remove limitation and barriers to progress .
“ Technology and sustainability were among the top 10 priorities of CEOs in 2023 , according to Gartner ,” he said in an AWS blog . “ Business leaders say they view both as important drivers of growth and innovation , and increasingly they ’ re using technology to achieve their sustainability goals .
“ If companies start out on the right trajectory with their cloud deployment plan , they can accelerate their sustainability improvements and progressively achieve four gains : More sustainable IT delivery , more sustainable
24 July 2024