Sustainability Magazine Septemeber 2024 | Page 203


We can do it if we work together !” It sounds so simple . But , when it applies to making regional supply chains sustainable , there are countless complications .

Different regions can have different rules and regulations . So can different countries within regions – and even neighbouring areas within countries .
Then there are the language barriers and the traditional work practices that need to be understood .
Despite these barriers , there is no doubt among sustainability and logistics leaders that collaboration between suppliers great and small is key .
For Michelle Norman , that collaboration must be as early in the process as possible .
The dynamic is changing Michelle , Director of Sustainability and External Affairs , Suntory Beverage & Food Europe , says : “ I think the dynamic of how larger corporations work with suppliers is changing . Earlier collaboration will be absolutely key .”
Michelle knows the value of communication and cooperation .
She began working life as a PR consultant for Lynne Franks PR and an Account Director for Talk Loud PR .
She then spent nine years as PR and Communications Controller at Anheuser- Busch InBev , moved to Constellation Europe , then returned to Anheuser-Busch – during which time she was seconded as Media Manager Team GB at the London 2012 Olympics .
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