Sustainability Magazine Septemeber 2024 | Page 204

In March 2014 Michelle Joined Lucozade Ribena Suntory , rising in January 2022 to her current role .
Suntory Europe has 3,500 employees and is part of the global Suntory business , which employs 42,000 people .
Suntory Europe produces countless well known brands , including Ribena , Oasis , Lucozade , Schweppes , Orangina and MayTea . In the Americas , it produces Pepsi as a joint venture with PepsiCo .
Michelle ’ s role is to translate global targets into ground-up results . How does that look ?
Sustainability at every level Michelle says : “ We look at our factories , our own production , our own resources . And then we do our value chain mapping , right from the raw ingredients , where we purchase , through to the end – consumer and end-of-life disposal as well .”
She adds that SBFE looks at all elements of the value chain : “ So that is working with our Ribena growers who grow the blackcurrants , or the sugar producers , transportation partners and end of life .”
Ths forensic approach also includes analysing water usage , education and conservation .
However , with 95 % of emissions coming from Scope 3 , Michelle admits this area is “ more challenging ” because “ you are working with a large number of suppliers and there ’ s a reliance on them changing some of their practices as well as moving to renewables ”.
204 September 2024