Sustainability Magazine Septemeber 2024 | Page 205

Last year , SBF GB & I launched a research project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the growing of blackcurrants through regenerative farming practices .
The ambitious project is under way on much of the 60 hectares of blackcurrant production at Gorgate Farm in Norfolk , which has been growing blackcurrants for Ribena since the 1950s .
The project aims to reduce Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from blackcurrant production and improve soil health so that it can support plant resilience and increase the amount of carbon it can sequester .
The project will focus on minimising external inputs while improving soil health , plant nutrition and environmental protection through :
• Sap sampling to better understand and optimise blackcurrant plant nutrition
• Utilisation of novel and organic inputs ( both fertiliser and crop protection ) to replace conventional inputs
• Creation of diverse alleyway swards to feed the soil and increase carbon Improvements to soil health .
The company hopes the principles and learnings developed will lead to a step change in sustainable production not just in blackcurrant but for many other crops well into the future .
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