Sustainability Magazine Septemeber 2024 | Page 40

drove through a long-term development plan and oversaw the aforementioned 4,000 % increase in share value to an alltime high when the majority stake of the company was acquired by Kering in 2007 .
Puma was by then one of the world ’ s top three sporting goods firms – and Jochen ’ s star was in the ascendent . Kering recognised this and got him on its Board .
A man of vision Today , no major business can operate without having at least an eye on ESG . That was not the case in 2008 , when Jochen put it at the centre of Puma ’ s work .
He introduced PUMAVision , an ethical framework defined by the four key principles of being fair , honest , positive and creative as applied to all professional behaviour , business procedures and relationships throughout and outside of Puma .
He also pioneered the concept of an Environmental Profit & Loss Account ( EP & L ), making it the beating heart of Puma ’ s work from May 2011 .
EP & L puts a monetary value to a business ’ s use of ecosystem services across the entire supply chain .
He said : “ We needed to start looking deeper into our supply chain – to better understand and determine our impact on nature and society and how sustainable we were throughout the supply chain .”
Putting the planet first From 2010 to 2012 , Jochen was CEO of the Sport & Lifestyle division , which
40 September 2024